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Pissing on Facebook

Writer's picture: Gershon SiegelGershon Siegel

Updated: Apr 22, 2019

An ongoing fantasy of mine believes that engaging in sincere, reasoned discussion is a worthwhile endeavor.

Rick moved back to his native California before the 9/11 horror show and we managed an occasional friendly email to stay in touch. After that tragic event, however, as the drums of war began their cacophony, our correspondence mirrored a similar dissonance. We found ourselves in total disagreement over how our government should respond.

Believing that Saddam was hiding weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), Rick thought America had every right to invade Iraq. I believed George Jr. was using WMDs as an excuse to invade a country that they had long in their crosshairs. It seemed a reasonable supposition since teams of weapons inspectors had found nothing after scouring the country since Daddy Bush’s first invasion 20 years before.

So sure was Rick that WMDs would be found in Iraq that he offered to bet me a thousand dollars. Figuring that the Bush & Cheney gang would simply plant such evidence to justify their illegal war, I declined to take him up on it. Turns out we were both wrong and I missed a chance to win an easy K.

But, well before that ruse to fool the American people yet again (Remember the Main, the Gulf of Tonkin and other assorted false flags.) our emails to each other turned a putrid shade of vitriol. Pretty soon we were calling each other names and I’m not proud of how badly I behaved.

We both invested much too much time and energy trying to make the other see the light. Worst of all, I didn’t preserve those emails. If I’d done so I’d have documented the conversation America was having with itself over committing to yet another questionable foreign adventure.

There is now more than a little consensus that America’s toppling of Saddam’s government was a major contribution to the current instability in the Middle East. In addition to being a major exporter of oil, the region also now provides the world with an endless supply of terrorists bent on destroying the West.

Since our first Internet spat all those years ago through email, Rick and I have become “friends” on Facebook. His posts tend toward a harmless enough variety and I give him the occasional “thumbs up” comment on them. The photos from his 70th birthday party, complete with a lovely young belly dancer looked like quite the bash.

Then, just as I thought Rick and I had sailed onto calmer waters, the Charlottesville, VA. clash between white supremacists and Antifa over removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee happened. Evidence to the contrary, Trump made his stupid statements blaming both sides for the violence and, no surprise, multitudinous rounds of outrage exploded. Rick decided to re-post a FOX News Twitter meme deriding those who called for the expunging of Confederate symbols.

By the time I saw Rick’s post of the meme several of his friends had already responded before I jumped in…

Bobby: he’s (Barkley) an idiot…

Tony: Bobby, he’s always said nice things about you.

Bobby: My point exactly.

Richard: Finally some levity on this absurdity. No he is not an idiot.

Marjorie: He rarely pays attention so who can be surprised.

Me: And your point in posting this is…Other people of color shouldn’t be offended if Charles Barkley never was? Christ, Rick, if you don’t get what a perfect example of stupid, condescending white privilege this meme screams, I’m guessing you believe white privilege is fake news, like climate change.

Rick: Jeez, Gershon — calm down, amigo! And, please, spare me the holier-than-thou political lecture. Barkley — and you — are still free to express a viewpoint (I think). Even if some people disagree. Agree?

Me: Sorry Rick. It was your apparent righteous, clueless reposting of that tasteless meme that got me going. Or maybe you were just being ironic? If that’s the case then please accept my apology for underestimating your sense of humor.

Rick: Apology accepted. Now get out there and raise a ruckus!

Me: Speaking of ruckus — Have you joined your local chapter of Indivisible?

Rick: Um, which is?


Tony: It really sucks when people whom you think are supposed to agree with your view disagree with your view. I guess. Maybe. I dunno. This is all getting very confusing for me. For example, I don’t understand how this is an example of white privilege when it came from Charles Barkley. He’s not white. But, I have to admit, I’m always a bit slow on the uptick.

Maybe someone can explain it to me. And it doesn’t seem condescending, but then, perhaps I don’t know what that word really means. But what I think I do understand is that should you agree with Charles Barkley, those wonderfully tolerant people (see above) who disagree with Barkley and you, will call you a condescending, stupid idiot (probably a racist too!). Now I think I understand why a carnival barker sits in the Oval office.

Me: Charles Barkley is not exactly your average person of color. So when a white guy takes that meme attributed to a millionaire sports figure and uses it to basically imply, “Hey, what’s the big deal with all these Confederate symbols, Charles Barkley doesn’t mind them,” that white dude is attempting to dismiss those people of color who, in fact, do have a problem with those symbols.

For many, not all, those symbols honoring those men and those institutions represent an ugly, repressive brutal past with which they STILL deal with everyday. Those symbols are not in museums, though no doubt there are many that are. These are living, breathing symbols throughout the South that are given places of honor and acknowledgement.

It would be as if in every town throughout Germany there were swastikas flying over the capitol buildings and there were statues of the men who ran concentration camps. As a matter of fact, in Germany, that’s totally illegal. Does that make sense?

Tony: Gershon. Put down the pipe and slowly, slowly, please take a few steps back. Now, take a deep breathe. Take another. Open a window and let some fresh, cool air in. See that armchair in the corner? Please, make use of it. There now. Better. Keep breathing. In-and-out. In-and-out.

Now tomorrow, after you’ve had a chance to relax a bit and settle in, give me a call on my cell phone and we’ll walk through a comparison and contrast of America 1850 and Germany 1932. We will talk about events, people, mores and standards of those periods, political realities, and economics at the conclusion of which we will see that there is far less in common between these two very dark chapters and any attempt to compare is intellectually shallow.

Now, have a brandy (or whatever u folks like to have) and call me in the morning. Oh, and symbols neither live nor breathe. Not in the real world. However, they do remind those who do live and breathe of history, both heroic and despotic, and of people, those who are both gallant and those who are profoundly imperfect and lack the benefit of enlightenment. Make sense?

Rick: You guys need a Producer. I’m available. Let’s tape this.

Me: Tony, since you admitted above that, “And it doesn’t seem condescending, but then, perhaps I don’t know what that word really means,” I submit to you that your statement above to my sincere attempt to try to answer you is a textbook example of “condescending.” For you to tell me to “have a brandy (or whatever u (sic) folks like to have” is actually beyond condescending. It’s more like, “Shut the fuck up and go huddle with the other assholes that I could give two shits about.”

That you are so generously willing to teach me about the difference between “these two very dark chapters” because you believe you’re so well-read says to me that your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance and is a further proof of how truly clueless you are.

Rick, please go back and read my first response to Tony. Let’s hear from you as to whether or not I was trying to keep this discussion on a higher level than what Tony is prepared to engage. Thanks Tony, for dragging me down into the mud where you live. If you and I were to ever have an actual phone call as you suggest, afterwards I would no doubt have to slug down something much stronger than brandy.

If you don’t mind, Tony, do I have your permission to publish this conversation between us. I think it would serve “my folks” as a cautionary tale to help them understand the horror of the situation.

Tony: Gershon, u have no sense of humor. Put the pipe down. Again. Yes u have my permission to share this where ever u like. Now about that phone call, what time suits u?

Me: Tony, a phone call between us would not end well. This is not about me having no sense of humor. I’m Jewish, for Christ’s sake. This is not about me “putting the pipe down.” This is about you being willing to have a grown up conversation about a hard subject. I understand how uncomfortable that makes you. Perhaps this is one of the few times in you life that someone’s called you out on your smug privilege and all you can do is pretend that you’re just joking. If this is your idea of humor, maybe you’d better look up the term.

And while you’re digging through the dictionary, check out “condescending.” I understand why you may not recognize the word. If a fish could talk and you asked it what water is, it wouldn’t understand that either. Believe me when I tell you that I’m not joking — you’ll never “get” condescending because you’re swimming in it.

Let me know when you’re ready to come up for air and then, maybe, we can have that phone conversation you’re offering. I’ll give you a heads up when I figure out an intro to the essay featuring this thread. You can’t make this stuff up.

Tony: Gershon, what more can I do than offer u the opportunity to discuss? I have offered and make that offer again. Call me (Rick has my number. I’m not joking. Do U wish I had been joking? We can have a fun debate. Or we can meet in SB. U can join Rick and me for our annual Christmas cocktail. Conservatives, Liberals and Bolsheviks are welcome. Bring ur A game whichever venue suits u.

Me: For Tony, Rick and the rest of the chardonnay swilling gang….“Growing up in the Shadow of the Confederacy”

Tony: Right back atcha…”Our War against Memory”

Me: “Taking Aim at the Confederate Monuments of Gettysburg”

Me: “All those Southern state monuments were put up in the 20th century. Virginia, North Carolina, and Alabama went up between 1917 and 1933. The other eight were erected from 1961 to 1984 — during and just after the Civil Rights Movement. That timing was no coincidence. Just as many white Southern survivors of the war and their descendants worked hard to make black Americans and their story disappear, the state monuments they erected continued that work.”

Rick: Gershon, you’re gonna love this! Nancy Pelosi won’t tell us what she feels about her father dedicating Lee, Jackson Statues! Heh.

“Pelosi Mum on Her Father Dedicating Lee, Jackson Statues”

Me: Pelosi needs to go. She’s a big part of why the Dems are so tone-deaf.

Rick: There’s a lot of those types in Washington — on both sides of the isle.

Tony: Ricardo, this is simply beautiful. I’m going to be smiling for days. A more perfect example of profound hypocrisy than this golden nugget cannot be found. It’s so spectacular that at first I thought it was a hoax. But, it’s true. Her own father for crying out loud. Did she not think it would come out? Is she that dumb (he asks rhetorically)?

Rick: How ‘bout this, Gersh. Does Dershowitz, your buddy have it right?

“Dershowitz: Liberals Have a ‘Special Obligation’ to Condemn Hard Left When They Engage in Violence and Bigotry”

Me: Why would you assume Dershowitz is my buddy? Because he’s Jewish? Dershowitz went off the rails a long time ago. Maybe around the same time you did. He supported Bush’s Iraqi invasion as well, as I recall. If he’s anybody’s buddy he’s yours. You’ve both been carrying water for the so-called conservative cause for decades. I’m going to assume you’re still in touch with some of your own humanity since your wife hasn’t divorced you, yet. As a practicing celebrity attorney it’s likely Dershowitz gave up most of his quite a while back.

There is nothing sacred about these symbols of slavery that the South insisted on putting up nearly 100 years after the Civil War. If somebody needs reminding of slavery’s past, let them go visit those symbols in a museum. Why display them in places of honor when they’re so hurtful to so many (Charles Barkley excepted of course.)

Rick: Thought you might appreciate reading this…

“The Double Standard in the Progressive War against the Dead”

Me: Thanks. Some good points taken. “Where does it end when society begins to accommodate the sensibilities of those it once ignored?” As he referenced, “our evolving standards of probity,” we are in the midst of coming to grips with a history full of inexcusable brutality. It’s messy.

PC is a slippery slop for sure. Glad to see Victor Hanson has moved on from calling for bombing Muslims back to the stone-age to pointing out progressive hypocrisy. Seems like a step up. Good for him.

Tony: Check this out: “A Liberal Calls Out His Party for Its Identity Politics”

Me: Please understand I have no allegiance to the Dems. I don’t know how many of your friends are identified with the Repubs but few of my friends see themselves as Dems. They are but the left wing of the corporatist party. A pox on both their houses.

I’m sure you saw the article by Victor David Hansen that Rick is creaming in his pants over. One can’t argue with the points he’s making. Inherent in the pointing out any social injustice there will always be the opportunity to point back and say “well what about when so and so did thus and such?”.

As Dylan said in “My Back Pages” in ’63 or so, “…fearing not I’d become my enemy in the instant that I preached. Ah but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”

Reflecting upon a shameful era isn’t pleasant. If you’ve even been in couples counseling you know the feeling. Does that mean we shouldn’t try to make amends for past sins? Does that mean we shouldn’t try to take responsibility for our unconsciousness?

Tony, I’m not interested in being your source of amusement because you get off on arguing for the sake of arguing. Tit-for-tat is a zero sum game. You want to engage in a dialogue? Maybe we can do that? You just want to be right by proving your point, have a nice life.

Tony: G my point is only that this atonement is not being done in good faith. It’s purely political AstroTurf. Had it occurred during the last administration I may have concluded differently. It’s tawdry behavior. And those who jump on the bandwagon are, in my view, suckers.

Me: “…not being done in good faith.” I’m sure there are people involved in this effort that will never meet you litmus test of authentic “good faith.” It does seem somewhat presumptuous to assume this is true for everyone. In my experience, very little is ever purely anything. It’s most always a mixed bag. And it has been happening since before Charlottesville. If you recall, after the Dylan Roof incident, South Carolina finally took down its Confederate flag that had flown above its capitol for many decades.

“Tawdry: showy but cheap and of poor quality.” Well, this is America, after all. Tawdry R Us.

You strike me as being very afraid of being a “sucker.” Takes one to know one.

Tony: Gershon, this isn’t your best effort/work/thinking is it? I know I have no credibility with a guy like Gershon but maybe Shelby Steele does…” Why the Left Can’t Let Go of Racism: Liberals sell innocence from America’s past. If bigotry is pronounced dead, the racket is over.

Me: I appreciate Tony’s reaching out. Let it never be said that I fail to return in kind….

“Confederate Memorials and the Unjust Geography of Memory”

Tony: That’s all good and well. And for the sake of the discussion, let’s say Alderman is 100% correct on all points (he’s not but let’s just say he is). What shall be done? Remove statues, rename streets, parks, memorials, parkways, pools, federal buildings, state buildings, bridges, tunnels, airports, aqueducts, dams et. al.? Once we’ve done this for the Confederates, do we move on to the Founding Fathers? I think we must. And, yes, Lincoln too, for he was as racist as any in his time (read his speeches from 1856–1860).


More questions:

Why is this such an issue today? If this is a paramount issue, why didn’t the previous administration make an effort? Why such silence up until now? Surely we can agree on the incentives in place now. Or, did cosmic forces suddenly jell after Drumpf’s election resulting in a new enlightenment?

What about Mr Steele? Is America racist? He says the left is hungry for racism. Any truth to that and to his conclusion? Or is he, too, a Neanderthal twit like me?

Finally, are these not all valid questions (except the last one…Steele is not a twit). Do they not deserve some thought and reflection from thoughtful and reflective people like yourself?

While we’re at it, Father Serra is in great peril in Northern California and he is destined for the garbage heap. So too, Columbus. The explorers of all types and origins…you know their names. They too, must go. Now. Where will YOU draw the line Gershon? Do you begin to see how utterly fatuous this is? Surely you must. Were your ancestors without sin? Mine were not.

How silly this all is.

Rick: This is what I wanted Gershon to see/read. It was in the LA TIMES this morning. Smacks the left and the right…

”Violence by far-left protesters in Berkeley sparks alarm”

Me: It appears that the delight you’re feeling over the LA Times’ coverage of the violence perpetrated by individuals identified as “the left” is more than enough for the both of us. No doubt all the “liberal media” is feeling compelled to wag fingers and attempt to gain back some credibility from conservative quarters.

Thuggery is thuggery. When one is 20 and believes in a cause, the lines between thuggery and activism are blurred. Some people are willing to die for a cause. Some are willing to kill for one.

A couple of months back I had lunch with Mark Rudd (Cc’ed here) at La Posada. Name ring a bell? One of the founders of SDS at Columbia University? Lead building occupations, etc? When the war wasn’t stopping he gave up on “direct action” and went for deadly action.

Thus the founding of the Weathermen Underground. They blew up several buildings around the country until three of his friends blew themselves up in a Greenwich Village apartment. Mark became a fugitive. After Jimmy Carter got in the White House he pardoned those who had fled to Canada to avoid the draft and Mark somehow got off serving time on a technicality. (Mark, correct me if I’ve got any of this wrong.)

Mark then ended up in New Mexico where he taught math in the Albuquerque public schools until his retirement. His book, “Underground,” tells that story. He says that in embracing violence to protest an unjust war he became an unwitting agent for the FBI. He believes he stripped credibility to the whole anti-war effort (his words). He feels very badly about that chapter of his activism. He’s repudiated his violent past. So soul-searching on “the left” is not new. Soul-searching on “the right,” may be a rarer event.

I’ve never really had much violence in my personal life. I can remember coming out of the theater after having seen “Easy Rider” and wanting to shoot a redneck. But I never did. I marched on Washington back in the day. I carried protest signs once at a George Wallace for President rally in Wheeling, West Virginia. Conducted a bit of guerrilla theater on the tiny little campus where I went to school, but I don’t have much in the way of violence for which I feel compelled to repudiate. Rick, I don’t even feel that badly about calling Tony your “pet troll.” AND I’m not proud of it either.

I’m watching the same thuggish actions you are. I’m not applauding them. I’m not surprised by them. I have no plans to join them. AND, I went and bought a gun recently. Next time you’re in Santa Fe we can go to the shooting range together. Here’s a link to an article I wrote on the subject. As you can deduce from the title, I’m more ambivalent about it than “delighted.”

Rick: Well said, as usual. I don’t think we’re even that far apart on this matter, although I have no doubt my wife would blow my head off if I ever walked through the door with a pistol.

Way back when, at a time when I actually felt some degree of camaraderie with lefties tossing Molotov cocktails and pissing off the pigs (um, known today as cops, law enforcement, etc), I attended what turned out to be a violent anti-war demonstration in downtown LA. This was in the early 70s.

Ruben Salazar, an LA TIMES reporter, died at this event. It was the closest I ever got to a war zone. I almost got taken down by a tear gas canister. It was ugly. Terrifying. And also made me realize that I could never, ever play that game. Not on that level. But I understand why violence has, and always will, play a part in politics.

My preoccupation with the coverage — or lack thereof — of Antifa violence was largely due to what I felt was left-leaning media attempting to hide or gloss over the truth about Antifa from the American people.

Antifa is a dangerous organization, but to hear the leftist media tell it, they are a harmless bunch of protesters standing up against “hate.” C’mon. I am just greatly relieved what I see to be a different point of view emerging, in this case from the LA TIMES.

I would just like the media — left, right, whatever — to accurately cover Antifa for what they really are. Since Antifa’s violent rampage through D.C. (which resulted in 230 arrests) during Drumpf’s Inauguration, they’ve continued to wreak havoc throughout the country. But the media have barely batted an eye.

At the University of California (UC) Berkeley, Antifa goons terrorized the campus on multiple occasions, putting students and police in grave danger. Despite the violence and direct threat to free speech, the media, again, yawned.

And when the media do choose to cover Antifa, they adopt the most sympathetic tone possible. Recently, NBC’s Chuck Todd rolled out the welcome mat for an Antifa henchman, and gave him a platform to promote his agenda. C’mon.

This must stop. We should expect the media to expose hate and violence wherever it lives. They should not be running cover for Antifa just because they are ideologically aligned with them. Do you agree?

P.S. Mark Rudd was a one-time hero of mine. Interesting how he turned out.

Me: I’m frankly delighted that there are enough “fringe left” out there to give the “fringe right” pause to show their stupid faces in public. Intolerance is a drag. AND the tolerance of intolerance is a much bigger drag. Whatever principals you think you are defending by your “balanced” view in seeing the pernicious nature of violence on both sides has your moral compass spinning in a death spiral.

Rick: Gosh, Gershon must have missed this…. “Stop Making Excuses for Antifa Thuggery “Berkeley Protest Turns Violent, Again”

Me: “Charles Barkley Is a Great Example of a Black White Supremacist”

Yes, Anti-Fascists Are Violent … and Necessary

Tony: I’d be really good if they were actually anti fascist. But they are just garden variety thugs. Bullies. Punks. Anarchists. Take ur pick.

Rick: And clearly he’s fine with posting something entitled “Yes, Anti-Fascists Are Violent…and Necessary.”

Tony: Crazy. Dementia. I’m telling u. Either that or he really is hitting the pipe. I doubt that Gershon really believes those links he posted. No way. But then again, he does show fascist inclinations. Say it ain’t so Gershon.

Me: You probably won’t find me in the street marching in black and yelling “Stand up to the KKK or Nazis or whatever. I’m just hoping there are way more crazy 20-year-old guys willing to act out their aggression on other 20-year-old crazy guys willing to act out their white supremacy. In case there was any doubt.

Rick: But you don’t think there is a better way to show your disapproval of fascists than to behave like them? ‘Splain, please!

Me: Let me quote author Tina Benson from her recent Fb post referring to Drumpf, “I entered his emptiness inside my meditation and I knew…he carries the emptiness out loud for all of us…the gnawing sense of unworthiness that will tell any lie to be seen as worthy…to be admired…to be valued…to forget the loneliness…the unbearable sense of not mattering. The part of us that chases things, power, status, control…that clenches and grabs…that rages instead of cries…that does not know how to trust…that forgets we belong, and are a part of it all. He is a relentless neon sign, and the impulse is to resist the painful reflection he is offering us. I can do nothing any longer but look in his mirror…to find compassion…deeper than deep compassion for my own emptiness and forgetting…and for yours. His emptiness, and all the ways he goes about trying to fill it in all the wrong ways, belongs to all of us if we’re honest. He is not separate from us. He is us…as much as we want to keep the truth out projected. He won’t go away until we embrace within ourselves all that he carries with unfathomable courage and infinite love. There really, truly is no other way.”

I shared Tina’s succinct paragraphs a couple of days ago. Rick, you saw them. I aspire to her lofty sentiments. That said, I’m just not quite there and need to vent my spleen and indulge my intolerance for intolerance. I hope you and Tony can find it in your Christian hearts to forgive me my failings.

Tony: Maybe he just needs a dog.

Me: Admittedly, this in depth article is not near as much fun as the Charles Barkely meme that Rick finds so telling. Still it does begin to peel back the layers of a somewhat complicated subject than most memes can. Except for Rick’s meme of course. Rick finds the best memes.

“Forrest The Butcher: Memphis Wants to Remove a Statue Honoring First Grand Wizard of the KKK”…/memphis-wants-to-remove.../

Rick: But seriously, Gershon, NONE of this is as disquieting as your Antifa apologia postings. I would love to hear you flesh out your defense of both of these pieces. You’ve got the floor, my friend…

Me: I’d much rather take the highroad that my white privilege affords me and wag my finger at those bad leftist thugs. I could look so balanced and normal that I would not have to suffer yours or Rick’s threadbare accusations I’ve had to refute multiple times. I’m thinking that maybe the speed reading course Rick took all those years ago didn’t fully cover the part about “comprehension.”

Tony: Ummm, condescension?

Me: Tony, communication happens when both parties agree on definitions. The tone I used to Rick was not condescension. It was an out and out insult. The tone I’m using here to answer you is a good example of condescension.

Tony: Early signs of dementia. Seriously. I think he’s crazy.

Rick: I’ve known him for a long time. I’m struggling with his blasé defense of fascistic techniques to smack down fascists.

Tony: I think he’s still pissed off that he didn’t make the Weatherman team back in ’67. Got cut in pre-season. He kept fumbling the bombs.

Me: LOL. Score one for The Troll.

Several weeks went by and not a peep out of Tony. Then this email from him appeared in my inbox titled, “Mind reading Gershon.” It read:

Oh Gershon, I know what you must be thinking…..

“Yes, yes those were the days. We were young, vibrant and passionate and protesting about the Establishment, and all the injustices in America and we knew, we knew, we were making a difference. And it was so wonderful. Colors seemed deeper and images more distinct…of course I was high most of the time. And the chicks, ah the chicks. If you couldn’t get laid…oh hell, if you couldn’t get laid 3 times in 24 hours by 3 different babes, you weren’t making an average effort. I mean, it was free and easy and everybody was cool-except that time I fucked Tommie’s main squeeze…I mean, how the fuck was I to know?…she never said anything. It was so totally uncool for Tommie to sucker punch me in the bar, but, hey, other than that, man, life and love were totally rad. And we were “involved”, you know, saying and living our piece and peace. By the way, peace dude. Anyway where was I? Oh, right…so these kids today are just carrying on the bitchin tradition. Man, there is so much wrong with this country. It’s all fucked up. These kids can’t find a job…who knew that a degree in black studies wouldn’t be marketable? I mean they are struggling and it’s the system that’s to blame. So they have a right…no, check that, they have an obligation, to be violent and violate other’s rights. Fuck free speech. That’s right, fuck it. If I don’t agree with it, it’s fascist.. Shit, I’m getting all agitated. Maybe I need to fall in line and join my brothers and sisters. Yeah, that’s the answer…I’m going to join in. But, shit man, there is no fuckin way I can fit into those 32” waist Levi’s from 1969. No fucking way. God damn it.”

Me: Tony, You must be one of the most creative trolls I’ve ever met. Not only that, you were batting 100% at reading my mind right up to the very end. I still wear 32” waist Levis.


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